Thursday, October 20, 2011

DiRT 3--- Rally racing, Arcade style.

I'm back!

               I'm here with my review of DiRT3, the 3rd installment of the franchise. Building up on the previous 2 games comes with some new features, modes and yes, even split screen(FINALLY!!).

               Starting with the DiRT Tour, it's pretty basic. You race through 4 events per season, ranging from 5-9 races an event. You earn points based on your placing in the races, earn enough points to unlock the next race or event. If you didn't place where you wanted the first time around, but still got the right amount of points to progress, don't worry, you can always come back and try to better your score if you feel so later. Completing the first season opens up the DC Compound, a place of basicly skill development, or just having fun in a car trying to drift, hit ramps and smash blocks. After each completed season another part the compound opens up to offer more automotive fun.

               The DC Compound is broken up to 3 sections. The Parking Lot, Depot, and Power Station. The Parking Lot gets opened up first with 23 missions to do, these are just fun things to try to accomplish just to kill some time. Each section has it's own set of missions.

               In multiplayer, you can pick joyride, team or solo racing. In team racing, your split into 2 teams of 4 and all race together to try to get the best accumulative time or score. Joyride is a 20 minute freeride game. Along with team racing there are objective games.

               The Gymkhana mode is a skills based competion, in both the DiRT Tour and multiplayer. The course is built up of jumps, drift markers, donut markers and spin squares. Perform the stunt at the right spot to earn points. Keep the momentum going and earn multiplyers.

               The new features to the franchise are the split screen racing, which is pretty self explanitory, and Youtube video sharing. Video sharing is pretty cool, since it alows you to capture a clip out of the race, either through flashback or replay, and then post it to youtube. But you must have a youtube account to do this.

               In the end, DiRT3 is a pretty fun rally race game. From stunting in the gymkhana courses to uploading and epic crash to youtube, it's a good way to get the racing out of your system.

                                                                                                       -Ken "One Broke Gamer"

Just working to play

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good review! I like your style of writing. It's very clean and easy to follow! Looking forward to reading more reviews.

