Thursday, November 24, 2011

Burn Some Rubber In 'The Run'

      Need For Speed is back with The Run. Take part in a cross-country bullrun style race for huge cash prize. Well that's the base of the story line. You race as Jack, a guy in trouble with the mob when your offered a chance to to fix everything. A race, from San Fransisco to New York.

      The single player campaign called The Run takes you in a race across the USA in 10 stages, pitting you against time trial catch ups, place gaining races and racer battles. Mix this with cops, mountain passes, desert highways and city streets it can be challenging. Along with cut scene action sequences if your not quick on the buttons.

       You start in San Fransisco and your first race is to get out of San Fransisco while gaining spots in the overall stands of 210 racers. This is your first run in with the cops, with enough ramming, you can take them out.

        Battle races can consist of up to 4 other racers that you have to pas with in a time limit per car, similar to the Make up time races that happen every so often after races. These can happen any time on city, desert highways, or mountain roads.



       The multiplayer feature has 6 different play lists depending on what styl  of car you want to drive.
Each play list is made up of sets of races, and also seperate list of challenges to unlock more cars to race with.

       Along with play list solo challenges, there are group challenges you can complete with friends online to agin, unlock more cars.

       Each set of races will also come with a reward for placing in the race. The reward varies depending on what the Reward Wheel lands on.


         So in the end, I find Need For Speen: The Run to be a good addition to the franchise. If some sort of sequal is to come out, a little longer campaign game play would be nice in my opinion. I say give this game a try, alot of fun creating challenges with Autolog between you and your friends list.

                                                                                                        -Ken "One Broke Gamer"

Just working to play

Thursday, October 20, 2011

DiRT 3--- Rally racing, Arcade style.

I'm back!

               I'm here with my review of DiRT3, the 3rd installment of the franchise. Building up on the previous 2 games comes with some new features, modes and yes, even split screen(FINALLY!!).

               Starting with the DiRT Tour, it's pretty basic. You race through 4 events per season, ranging from 5-9 races an event. You earn points based on your placing in the races, earn enough points to unlock the next race or event. If you didn't place where you wanted the first time around, but still got the right amount of points to progress, don't worry, you can always come back and try to better your score if you feel so later. Completing the first season opens up the DC Compound, a place of basicly skill development, or just having fun in a car trying to drift, hit ramps and smash blocks. After each completed season another part the compound opens up to offer more automotive fun.

               The DC Compound is broken up to 3 sections. The Parking Lot, Depot, and Power Station. The Parking Lot gets opened up first with 23 missions to do, these are just fun things to try to accomplish just to kill some time. Each section has it's own set of missions.

               In multiplayer, you can pick joyride, team or solo racing. In team racing, your split into 2 teams of 4 and all race together to try to get the best accumulative time or score. Joyride is a 20 minute freeride game. Along with team racing there are objective games.

               The Gymkhana mode is a skills based competion, in both the DiRT Tour and multiplayer. The course is built up of jumps, drift markers, donut markers and spin squares. Perform the stunt at the right spot to earn points. Keep the momentum going and earn multiplyers.

               The new features to the franchise are the split screen racing, which is pretty self explanitory, and Youtube video sharing. Video sharing is pretty cool, since it alows you to capture a clip out of the race, either through flashback or replay, and then post it to youtube. But you must have a youtube account to do this.

               In the end, DiRT3 is a pretty fun rally race game. From stunting in the gymkhana courses to uploading and epic crash to youtube, it's a good way to get the racing out of your system.

                                                                                                       -Ken "One Broke Gamer"

Just working to play

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My take on Gears of War 3

Hello Everyone

            Tonight I'm talking about Gears of War 3.

            The game has been out for 3wks at the time of this post, and I have to say best game Epic has put out by far, and a game to try to beat for future trilogy finales. From the open cinematic to the finale before the credits roll, it is an exciting game.

           Before I dive into my review, I will not be spoiling the games story for anyone.

           Gears of War 3 opens up with a cinematic Epic labelled as "Previously In Gears..." with Anya Stroud giving a run down of what has happened in the Gears universe since the first game. This includes little mention of what happened at the end of the book Gears of War: Coalitions End. I have to say, excellent way to start a game fans have been waiting 3 years for. After this, the game starts and like mostly every other game, you select campaign difficulty. For Gears the settings are Casual, Normal, Hardcore and Insane. I'd suggest playing Insane with the 4-player co-op and REALLY work as a team.

           Like the previous Gears of War games, the campaign is split into Acts, and those into chapters. The amount of chapters per act in Gears 3 varies between them, so some acts will be longer.

           New to Gears of War 3 is the aforementioned 4 player co-op campaign, along side the Arcade mode. As well as Beast mode, basically a shorter reverse version of Horde, in which you play as Locus Beasts to wipe out COG/Stranded forces and fortifications.

           Lets get more into Horde and Beast mode, as Horde has some upgrades that are worth knowing about and Beast is entirely new to the series.


Horde mode from Gears of War 2 was pretty basic. Survive wave after wave of Locust as they get tougher through out 50 waves. Horde 2.0 in Gears of War 3 is not to dissimilar as there are 50 waves and the Horde get 2.0x boosts every 10 waves such as in the original Horde.

But what sets Horde 2.0 from Horde is the addition of fortification building. Which include barriers, sentries, turrets and decoys. All change as you level up each fortification level, and you do that by spending money earned during each wave of Horde.

At every 10th wave(Wave 10, 20, 30, 40 and finally 50) it is a Boss wave which consists of infantry/heavy Locust or Lambent, then a Boss. The bosses varie from Beserkers(x2), small fleet of Reavers, or even 1 or 2 Brumaks. Beserkers being the hardest to take down if you don't work as a team.


As mentioned before, Beast Mode is similar to Horde in which you work as a team of 5 to clear a wave of enemies. But in the is mode you play AS the Locust against the humans, in 12 waves, as well you have a time limit to finish the wave. When you progress in waves in Beast Mode, the amount of humans increases, as well after the first wave, Heroes are intreduced. These are main, playable characters from the campaign and must be kill via an execution(i.e. curb stomp, gnasher golf swing).

Like in Horde though you earn cash depending on your kills/assists/or fortification destruction. You then use the earned cash to buy a beast at the beginning of each wave or when you die. The more kills and destruction points you earn, the more playable beasts you unlock. There are 4 tiers of beasts ranging from small/light(Ticker and Wretch) to heavy(Beserker). All costing different amounts, and each plays differently. Experiment with each of the beasts to find on that works for each tier.


           The versus modes havn't changed from Gears of War 2. They have stay pretty basic, except for the change to the Meat Flag from Gears 2, they have called it Capture the Leader in Gears 3. Plays just like meat flag, jsut a different name.

           Well that does it for my review of Gears of War 3, a basic run down of the game. As a fan of the series, I do have to agree with all the critics on that this is a 5-Star, a 10/10, 5/5 or what every different ways of giving a top rating are. An epic game to end an epic series.


                                                                                                        -Ken "One Broke Gamer"
Just working so I can play.



Venture into reviewing what I love to do.

         This is my first post of what I hope to be many.

         As this blog grows both in followers and age, I hope the sent out fair and resonable reviews, along with links and news from other reputable sources.

        So as this is my first posting, I'll have a review up shortly of coming games. So please, follow my blog and any constructive advise is much appreciated.